They are merely the more glamorous version of professional service firms such as lawyers or management consultants; all are partnerships of a kind, concerned with recruiting and retaining big fee earners who know how to keep their clients happy. 他们与律师或管理顾问等专业服务人员没什么不同,他们每人都与客户结成同样的合伙关系,都关心招募新人和留住懂得怎样令客户满意的摇钱树,只不过职业经纪人的工作更刺激。
Because of one part advertisement advocate cancelled advertisement defray, additionally Yahoo paid a good deal of retaining fee. 因为一部分广告主取消了广告支出,另外雅虎支付了大笔律师费。
Client shall pay Advisor a lump-sum retaining fee of RMB which is due and payable seven ( 7) days from the date when this Contract takes effect. 自该合同生效之日起七日内委托人应该向顾问一次性付清常年顾问费用元人民币。
It's only a retaining fee, you see. 这只是一笔预约费啊,知道吗。
Thirdly, we should establish our limited transfer of a retaining fee. 逐步建立律师费有限转付制度;